Meet Wendy Elzinga
Welcome! I'm a therapist who encourages others on the "Metanoia journey." Metanoia has been described as "the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self or way of life" I help people get out of their stuck places so that they can live their best lives . If you want your life and your relationships, to be more purposeful and more fulfilling, I invite you to explore the Metanoia journey
It involves-
Knowing yourself more fully and really acknowledging and embracing your story, even the hard parts.
Healing from trauma or relational wounds, hard things that have happened and even counsequences of your own choices that may have caused pain along the way.
Growing, moving beyond your own perceived limits and creating a meaningful life out of your whole story, living with a profound sense of purpose and self compassion. It's hard work, it involves walking through pain sometimes but if you are willing to be honest, patient and gentle with yourself you too can KNOW, HEAL and GROW.
Outside of my therapy practice, I providing education and information through writing, speaking and workshops. These are not the same as therapy services and I recommend that everyone who needs one, find a qualified therapist to work with in person.